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Peer-Reviewed Articles
6) Dasgupta, R., Chowdhury, P., Eguchi, J., Sun, C. & Saha, S. (2022). Volatile bearing partial melts in the lithospheric and sub-lithospheric mantle on Earth and other rocky planets. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 87, pp. 575-606
5) Chowdhury, P., Dasgupta, R., Phelps, P., Costin, G. & Lee, C-T. A. (2022). Oxygen fugacity range of subducting crust inferred from fractionation of trace elements during fluid-present slab melting in the presence of anhydrite versus sulfide. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 325, pp. 214-231
4) Lerner, A., Muth, M., Wallace, P., Lanzirotti, A., Newville, M., Gaetani, G., Chowdhury, P. & Dasgupta, R. (2021). Improving the reliability of Fe- and S-XANES measurements in silicate glasses: correcting beam damage and identifying Fe-oxide nanolites in hydrous and anhydrous melt inclusions. Chemical Geology,120610.
3) Chowdhury, P., Dasgupta, R., Phelps, P., Lee, C-T. A. & Anselm, R.A. 2021. Partitioning of chalcophile and highly siderophile elements (HSEs) between sulfide and carbonated melts – Implications for HSE systematics of kimberlites, carbonatites and melt metasomatized melt domains. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 305, pp.130-147..
2) Chowdhury, P. and Dasgupta, R., 2020. Sulfur extraction via carbonated melts from sulfide-bearing mantle lithologies–Implications for deep sulfur cycle and mantle redox. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 269, pp.376-397.
1) Chowdhury, P. and Dasgupta, R., 2019. Effect of sulfate on the basaltic liquidus and Sulfur Concentration at Anhydrite Saturation (SCAS) of hydrous basalts–Implications for sulfur cycle in subduction zones. Chemical Geology, 522, pp.162-174.
Publications: Publications
Conference Abstracts
12) Chowdhury, P. and Bhattacharya, J. (2021) Representation of Asian Americans in Geosciences versus other STEM fields. AGU Fall Meeting 2021 [part of DIVERSITY, EQUITY, and INCLUSIVITY WORK].
11) Chowdhury, P., Rudra, A., Holycross, M., & Kulka, B. (2021). Recycling in the Subduction Factory: Characterization of subduction induced mantle heterogeneities through interdisciplinary approaches. AGU Fall Meeting 2021; Session D018
10) Chowdhury, P., Brounce, M., Boyce, J.W., & McCubbin, F.M. (2021). Sulfur speciation in apatites from Martian meteorites using µ-XANES. AGU Fall Meeting 2021
9) Chowdhury, P., Brounce, M., Boyce, J.W., & McCubbin, F.M. (2021). Determination of sulfur speciation in apatites from Martian meteorites (shergottites) using µ-XANES. Goldschmidt 2021
8) Chowdhury, P., Brounce, M., Boyce, J.W., & McCubbin, F.M. (2021). Sulfur speciation in apatites from Martian meteorite- Shergotty using µ-XANES. Microscopy and Microanalysis 2021
7) Chowdhury, P., Brounce, M., Boyce, J.W., & McCubbin, F.M. (2021). The oxidation state of sulfur in apatites from Martian meteorite- Shergotty. Lunar & Planetary Sciences Conference 2021
6) Chowdhury, P., Dasgupta, R., Phelps, P., Lee, C-T. A. & Anselm, R. (2020). December. Partitioning of chalcophile and highly siderophile elements (HSEs) between sulfide and carbonated melts – Implications for HSE systematics of kimberlites and carbonatites. AGU 2020 Fall Meeting
5) Dasgupta, R., Chowdhury, P., Eguchi, J., Sun, C. & Saha, S. (2020). Extraction of Life-Essential Volatiles via Melting of Rocky Planetary Mantles of Variable Redox. Goldschmidt 2020
4) Lerner, A., Muth, M., Wallace, P., Lanzirotti, A., Newville, M., Gaetani, G., Chowdhury, P. & Dasgupta, R. (2020) Correcting Fe- and S-XANES Beam Damage and Recognizing Rapid Redox Equilibration of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions. Goldschmidt 2020
3) Chowdhury, P., Dasgupta, R., Phelps, P., Costin, G. & Lee, C-T. A. (2019). Partitioning of trace elements between anhydrite and sediment melts: Implications for subducting sediment redox and Ce/Mo at arcs. AGU 2019 Fall Meeting
2) Chowdhury, P. and Dasgupta, R. (2018). Sulfur extraction via carbonated melts from sulfide-bearing mantle lithologies - Implications for deep sulfur cycle. AGU 2018 Fall Meeting
1) Chowdhury, P. and Dasgupta, R. (2017). Effect of sulfate on the liquidus and sulfur concentration at anhydrite saturation (SCAS) of hydrous basalt at subduction zones. AGU 2017 Fall Meeting
Publications: Publications
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